
Kuta beach
Kuta beach    

This is the place where all the backpackers end up when they first get here.
There is a great beach with bars every 20 meters and wide but fast long waves. Plenty of room for lots of surfers.
Nightlife is well established since half of Australia's population of bums go here for a cheap vacation.
Dining out is ridiculously cheap and not to forget so is the booze.
Surf clothes are a quarter of the price as home and the amount larger than anywhere in the world.
So yes this is a very easy little hole to get stuck in and miss out on all the quality places to go.
Beware if you go there!!!! Don't get stuck!! Several days were spent on the beach and in the waves of Kuta. Very good for beginners like us. Fairly small and harmless waves, sand bottom and no sharks we were told.
Kuta beach
Everywhere along the streets you find salesmen trying to sell you all kinds of stuff. Special price for you! (600%).
And if anyone know the vicious corn man left of Karin please tell us.
He put on some extra layers of extremely hot chili sauce on the corncobs we bargained down to 500 rupees(0,2$). It Took a hole night and several bottles of water to get rid of that hot mouth.
Salesman at Legian
The coolest bar and restaurant in town, made for surfers. Three 2 TV screens one big screen showing surf movies all of the time. boards and photos of the greatest surfers in the world who all have been to Bali and Java.
Dinner at rene's Dinner at a German girls place. Lots of Bintang, Anchor and Arrack.
Sari Club

This is the most amazing night-club. Full of sweaty Australians without a top to cover their most handsome body. Girls go by shifts most of them gone by 11pm and then by 01am comes back for seconds. But the one thing which makes this place outstanding is their main beverage "Jungle Juice".

Go Aussie Go Aussie
Sari Club
Jungle Juice

30 CL Arrack(38% alc.)
60 CL Fruit juice
10 CL Grenadine

Cost: 2$ The evening is bound to be a success.

Left: Dan from Lapland and us getting on to it.

Karin with her Australian lover.

Sunset at Kuta beach
Karins australian lover