Way over our budget we reached our last stop in may :Hawaii.


Evening north shore As the peak of our surfing trip we planned to finish off with what is supposed to be the no.1 Mecka of surfing and windsurfing Hawaii. At first we were supposed to go to Maui but our funds did not allow it. So it had to be Oahu. Though we had heard that the northern swell was not very big by this time of year instead Oahu's south coast seemed to be the place to be since the southern swell was bigger. So we found out. The conditions were great constant wind and Diamond Head seemed to have the largest swell on the south coast.
Left: Evening at north shore. One of the most famous surf spots in the world.
Diamond Head.
One of the best spots on Oahu heading south picking up the southern swell that were supposed to be big by this time of the year. Good spot but I broke my mast the first day. Chris broke his base but got highly appreciated help by Josh Stone who was home for the moment. The reef was pretty shallow and it was tricky to find your way in again since the channels were not that obvious.
Rigging at Diamond head
Diamond head Karin enjoying herself at this beautiful beach.
One of mine and Chris's many intimate moments in Hawaii. Barneys
Party at the hostel in Waikiki Party at the Hostel in Waikiki. Met up with some old friends from Perth and Fiji. Played some silly card game that always resulted in that someone already totally hammered had to empty a large glass of a mix of everyone's drink. And after that obviously were bound to withdraw.
Chris on his way to North shore. I was supposed to go with him but the stupid lady in 'Jack in the box' lost my wallet to someone who needed the 5 dollars that I had left better than me. And my passport that I only could replace by going to LA or New York. So off Karin and me went for LA. Unfortunately we had to leave Chris behind with this chick. Chris going to North shore
Diamond Head Diamond Head from the above. This break was somewhat messy but was supposed to get better when it got big. Nice waves and alright 5.0 wind side off so a bit gusty. The reef is very shallow and sharp so we really had to watch out for not missing the channel. The swell seemed to be bigger here on southerly swell than anywhere else so there was always a group of suicide surfers that I(not used to windsurfing in places crowded with board surfers) constantly almost managed to run over.
Waikiki the tourist ghetto Oahu certainly is the island of surfing. All along the coast of waikiki there was thousands of people in the water sitting in groups of 20-30 on every break. Here you could really feel the pressure on you whene you were out on a casual surfboard. These people had been surfin most of there lives and was certainly not very patient with unexperienced scandinavians. Karin found some statue on Waikiki beach that seemed to be of historical importance.