Coronation Beach

Just a couple of 10ths of km's north of Geraldton you find one of the most popular spots in Australia. It is a bit of a drive to get there not the least because of the very bad road the last 10 km's. When you're car just about seems to shake into pieces there is a turn and you suddenly see lots of sails and many long lines of waves rolling in for everyone to get a part of the right spot to jump on. This is the best spot for jumping I have ever experienced. On you're way out you can get up to 7 clean takeoffs of waves you usually only get a couple of times in a day or if in sweden in a year.
Christmas card
Cornonation Beach Even though the place is quite crowded. I counted up to a 100:s sailors on new years day 1998. There is plenty of room for everybody. The wind does not come in the perfect angle for down the line riding but for jumping it is amazing. The first wave you hit is usually about a meter and the last usually twice or three times bigger. On big days mast high.
Even though it gets quite big it is a very gentle place to sail. The very shallow reef on the left prevents the wind from tearing up the sea and it is completely glassy just about all the way out. The inside is made for practising hard technical moves while you get the cleanest and most controlled runways for jumps. The waves breakes well but does not close completely so getting wrong in the impact zone only gives you a bumpy ride in towards the shore. We did not break much gear here at all even though we sailed here for a very long period of time. Karin practising
Upsala boys It was lots of fun when so many friends could be out on the same time without getting in the way too much. You could share so many waves on the wave out every wave used to push it just a little bit further than the other.
The crowd at coro was mainly europeans and locals. Some stayed at the beach and lived the really primitive life offered and some were more comfortable and stayed at Sunset caravan park in town. Both options had its advantages but living too many days at coro in a row made pizza hut seem like heaven.

Right: me and Mary(the wind goddess from England who never seemed to get really impressed).
The sun here was lethal and sun screen and sink paste was a law. I have to admit though it did not make our faces any less pretty.

Left: Me and coro surf babe 98 Karin.
It is not easy to capture this spot with a camera since it is spread over a quite large area and you have to get a bit out to get close to the waves. The feeling of having a smooth breeze of 4.5 to 5.0 wind and glassy flat water between long sets of perfect waves is really worth living for. Evening at Coro
Rigging down at Coro There is nothing like rigging down at coro after a long surf day of some of the best surfing you have ever had. Putting on some good music and having a couple of sips out of your 4 litre kask of wine.