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Bukoya, a small village situated in the middle of the main island Vitu Levu.
Surrounded by mountains djunglevegetasion. Full of edible fruits and roots like grapefruits,
nectaries, lemon, bananas, breadfruit and lots other strange things.
For four days we slept in these genuine huts.
We got to go on several tramps in the area doing all sorts of activities.
eelfishing, riding, swimming in the waterfall and having small picnics
of whatever strange things they could find in the forest.
Sometimes we got to borrow some horses from the horse people in
the village. Small lazy animals with some well fed even more lazy
white tourists.
Beautiful waterfall, probably full of huge eels.
Kava: Strange plant with very mild narcotic substances in the stem mixed
and dissolved in water to a muddy substance with taste of just that: mud.
After a couple of bowls and some klapping(within the ceremony of drinking)
your lips get numb and you start feeling kind of slightly drugged.
This is what fijians seem to spend most of their time doing.
Sitting under the roof drinking java bowl after java bowl.
Bob Marley seemed to be the idol of most younger men.
I guess they share the same kind of lifestyle. Only with a milder more coffelike drug use.
