4.2 Vargas

With 3 equipements plus 12 sails and 14 mast for cutre we rised byl 4:00am and just ariived in time at the airport. We got the check in lady from hell who did all that was in her power to make us pay for the stupidnes of bringing windsurfing gear on the flight. Luckely we had adressed it to the aircompany in advance. She was jabbering about everything from overweight to to extra fees for having many bags until the somewhat. Huh!
När vi väl var framme och fick vår marbeilla utav Dragos gjorde vi en klassiker och glömde att spänna takräckesremmen innanför taket. Så klart! Vilket resulterade i att vid första guppet så hoppade våra tre kitt en meter upp i luften och landade lagom till att bilen passerat. Tips!! Glöm ett att spänna genom taket. Orutinerat!
Tävlingen var igång men då det var tjejjernas freestyle så beslutade vi snabbt att dra till Vargas så att vi fick segla lite.


Rider of the day


Left:Björn Kristofer Johan on sturup.

Right:Björn Kristofer posing in vargas.

Left: Johan in our nice marbeilla..

Right:Björn forward.



Left:Film Kristofer & Björn it was quite small and really thin on the inside so it does not look like much but a little impression on Vargas on a small day.




4.2 Vargas afternoon/

4.2 Pozo evening

Tired as hell from all the sleep we missed out on the day befor we slept in a bit. Then started off the day by watching some competition. Then we took an afternoonsession in Vargas and an evening surf in Pozo.



Rider of the day


Left:All the girls are going out for warm up before heats

Right:Sequence of som of Ricardos moves for the day.

Left:Marie forward loop during PWA heat..

Right:Marie vulcano

Left:Victor Fernandes looks really good on the water.

Right:Kristofer in vargas.

Left: Björn Kristofer.

Right: Equipped for speed.

Left:Björn Kristofer happy.

Right:Björn forward loop.



4.2 Vargas

Freestyle competitions in Pozo and sailing for us in Vargas



Rider of the day


Left:It was obvious that the Gran canarian airforce though we got more air then them.

Right:Clip of a t-bone

Left: Kauli with his amazing air cacho. He planed out of another one on the outside.

Right: air taka. I think.


Left: Some talent waiting by the billboard.

Right: Kauli was outshining everyone.

Left:Kauli again.

Right:On the way to Vargas.

Left:Johan with a well distributed tan and dont miss the elvis lock in his forehead.

Right:Björn about to cut back.

Left:Kristofer jump.

Right:Kristofer getting the most out of his evo. .


4.2 Vargas

The fourth day was the day of the big wave ladder and final. All the big names battled battled

Rider of the day


Left:Nik baker

Right:Vidar Jensen